Can a simple semicolon stop you from getting a job?


Misused punctuation is one of the fastest ways to distinguish an amateurish resume from a polished one. And the semicolon can often be to blame.

After this 30-minute webinar, you'll not only be familiar with semicolons, but you'll be a semicolon expert - and your resume and salary will thank you. 

In this Online Grammar Webinar, You'll Learn:

  • An easy to remember rule on semicolons.
  • How a semicolon can elevate your writing and make it more professional and polished.
  • The secret trick to always know when you should and shouldn't use it. 


brock-isabelle.jpgIsabelle Brock advances the grammar curriculum in the School of Writing, Literature, and Film at Oregon State University, and she is interested in how sentences work, how we think about correctness in writing, and how we punctuate our text messages. She received her BA from Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania, and her MFA from Oregon State University. Since 2008, she has been helping students improve their writing by teaching online, on campus, and hybrid presentations of Understanding Grammar. 

Isabelle also teaches the online Grammar course.