Gain New Insight on Being a Successful ROSS
In this webinar, you will hear new insights on how to respond to radiological events from Oregon State University professor Dr. Emily Caffrey.
As a leading expert on First Responders, Emily leads Oregon State's radiological event/emergency training and will teach the new Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS) program.
About This Webinar on Emergency Training
In this exclusive webinar on responding to radiological events, you will:
- Gain a new understanding of how to organize and respond to incidents involving radiological hazards
- Understand state and local response authorities, organizations and jurisdictional issues important for a radiological response.
- Have the opportunity to ask Emily questions radiological emergency response and more
You will also see a sneak peek into Emily's upcoming workshop (open to all):
Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS), which will provide health physics or radiation protection fundamentals directly applicable to the required ROSS skill sets. Upon completion, you will be prepared to take the 40 hour FEMA ROSS qualification class.
Webinar Details
If you are a public safety professional and/or considering certification in radiological emergency response, we encourage you to join us!
Webinar Host
Dr. Emily Caffrey graduated in 2016 from Oregon State University with a Ph.D. in Radiation Health Physics. Her research included environmental dose assessment and computational dosimetry methods.
In addition to teaching online courses for Oregon State, she is also a health physics consultant with Risk Assessment Corporation. Dr. Caffrey currently serves on NCRP committee SC1-25, which examined recent epidemiologic studies and implications for the linear-nonthreshold model. In her free time, Emily enjoys trail running with her dog, Apollo.
This webinar is brought to you in collaboration with Oregon State University's College of Engineering.